What do you feel are the biggest strengths of our company right now?
Hands down, the biggest strength of our company is the community and system we’ve built over the years. We have found a way to provide continuous in-house training to newly onboarded members of the team while also having a fun, friendly, and thriving growth environment. Our business is composed of entrepreneurs and future entrepreneurs, so the community of people and conversations that are had are always highly motivational, which is a huge strength. Lastly, I would say transparency is another big strength, we tend to be more logical over emotional, and people really appreciate transparency in a working environment.
What goals do you have for the company?
Our company’s goals are to reach 1 billion dollars in revenue within 10 years and have over 1000 people employed by our firm within the next 5 years. Just know we”re on the right track by already expanding our firm into multiple verticals and markets.
What was the path you took to get to where you are today?
I took the risk-taking path. When you consciously drop out of college to start a business, you never really know where you will end up. For me, I ended up here running a very successful firm that represents a multitude of businesses generating hundreds of millions in revenue for our clients. I like to take calculated risks.
Why did you start (or want to be CEO of) this company?
My personal goals are so massive! Business ownership was the only way to make the goals come to life. Since a young child, I’ve always wanted to “be the boss”, but I’ve learned over the years being an incredible coach, mentor, and leader is my true passion which is why I’ve created a business built around developing new talent.
What were the moments when the company could have failed? What did you learn from them?
Adaptability and change are inevitable. To reach new heights as a company, we have had to accept challenging moments and adapt quickly. But let’s be very clear; failure is never an option.
The reality is any company can fail any day, but strong leadership, a clear vision, the ability to listen to the market and having goal-driven people on the team will sustain a wonderful business for a lifetime, and that’s what I personally focus on.
What kind of person will succeed at your company, is there a particular skillset you seek?
“Skill” isn’t required, but being a student is. The kind of person who will succeed is the person who accepts where they are in life currently and has a goal as to where they want to be.
The most successful people I’ve met were the ones humble enough to admit they needed coaching, guidance, and/or accountability. Being skilled doesn’t mean you’ll be successful; nobody wants to do business with someone who gives them a hard time. The humblest students will always be the most successful.
What are your outside interests?
My interests outside Front Page Agency are anything that can improve my empire. I breed French bulldogs, have a staffing agency, run a consulting firm, and even make investments within eCommerce. If it could grow my empire more, then I’m interested. Outside of my business interests, though, I’m a big foodie and can outcook most people… (laughs) Try me!